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非常小又精悍的 Nginx 日志分析工具 GoAccess,今天在 CentOS VPS 上安装测试了一番,就 2 个字,神器。使用方法有两种,可以用 XShell 或 Putty 上去命令查看,也可以生成 html 报告。
下面介绍 GoAccess 在 CentOS 上的安装方法:
1. 需要安装 GeoIP, ncurses, glib2, 一条命令搞定
#yum -y install glib2 glib2-devel ncurses ncurses-devel GeoIP GeoIP-devel
2. 下载 GoAccess 解压编译安装
# wget http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/goaccess/0.5/goaccess-0.5.tar.gz
# tar zxvf goaccess-0.5.tar.gz
# cd goaccess-0.5
# ./configure –enable-geoip –enable-utf8
# make && make install
# make clean
3. 好了,试试安装好没有
# goaccess
GoAccess – 0.5
Usage: goaccess [-e IP_ADDRESS][– a][– c]< -f log_file >
The following options can also be supplied to the command:
-f – Path to input log file.
-c – Prompt log/date configuration window.
-a – Enable a List of User-Agents by host.
For faster parsing, don’t enable this flag.
-e – Exclude an IP from being counted under the
HOST module. Disabled by default.
Examples can be found by running `man goaccess`.
For more details visit: http://goaccess.prosoftcorp.com
GoAccess Copyright (C) 2009-2012 GNU GPL’d, by Gerardo Orellana
GoAccess 的详细介绍 :请点这里
GoAccess 的下载地址 :请点这里