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今天发现测试环境的 kerberos Hadoop 的 hive 不能跑了,具体表现是 select * limit 这种不走 mapred 的 job 是 ok 的,走 mapred 的 job 就会报错,报的错比较奇怪(Unable to retrieve URL for Hadoop Task logs. Unable to find job tracker info port.)但是确认 jobtracker 是 ok 的,配置文件也是正常的,看来和 jobtracker 没有关系,进一步分析 tasktracker 的日志,发现如下错误。
2014-03-26 17:28:02,048 WARN org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TaskTracker: Exception while localization java.io.IOException: Job initialization failed (24) with output: File /home/test/platform must be owned by root, but is owned by 501
at org.apache.hadoop.mapred.LinuxTaskController.initializeJob(LinuxTaskController.java:194)
at org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TaskTracker$4.run(TaskTracker.java:1420)
at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
at javax.security.auth.Subject.doAs(Subject.java:396)
at org.apache.hadoop.security.UserGroupInformation.doAs(UserGroupInformation.java:1407)
at org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TaskTracker.initializeJob(TaskTracker.java:1395)
at org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TaskTracker.localizeJob(TaskTracker.java:1310)
at org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TaskTracker.startNewTask(TaskTracker.java:2727)
at org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TaskTracker$TaskLauncher.run(TaskTracker.java:2691)
Caused by: org.apache.hadoop.util.Shell$ExitCodeException:
at org.apache.hadoop.util.Shell.runCommand(Shell.java:261)
at org.apache.hadoop.util.Shell.run(Shell.java:188)
at org.apache.hadoop.util.Shell$ShellCommandExecutor.execute(Shell.java:381)
at org.apache.hadoop.mapred.LinuxTaskController.initializeJob(LinuxTaskController.java:187)
… 8 more
其中 /home/test/platform 是 mapred 程序所在目录,通过更改 /home/test/platform 的属主为 root 解决,不过这个为什么需要是 root 用户呢
从调用栈信息看到,是在调用 LinuxTaskController 类(因为用到了 kerberos,taskcontroller 需要选择这个类)的 initializeJob 出错了。initializeJob 方法是对 job 做初始操作,传入 user,jobid,token,mapred 的 local dir 等参数,生成一个数组,并调用 ShellCommandExecutor 的构造方法进行实例化,最终调用 ShellCommandExecutor 类的 execute 方法。
public void initializeJob(String user, String jobid, Path credentials,
Path jobConf, TaskUmbilicalProtocol taskTracker,
InetSocketAddress ttAddr
) throws IOException {
List<String> command = new ArrayList<String>(
Arrays.asList(taskControllerExe , //task-controller
localStorage.getDirsString(), //mapred.local.dir
Integer. toString(Commands.INITIALIZE_JOB.getValue()),
credentials.toUri().getPath().toString(), //jobToken
jobConf.toUri().getPath().toString())); //job.xml
File jvm = // use same jvm as parent
new File(new File(System.getProperty( “java.home”), “bin” ), “java” );
command.add(“-Dhadoop.log.dir=” + TaskLog.getBaseLogDir());
command.add(JobLocalizer.class.getName()); // main of JobLocalizer
// add the task tracker’s reporting address
String[] commandArray = command.toArray( new String[0]);
ShellCommandExecutor shExec = new ShellCommandExecutor(commandArray);
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug(“initializeJob: ” + Arrays.toString(commandArray)); //commandArray
try {
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
} catch (ExitCodeException e) {
int exitCode = shExec.getExitCode();
throw new IOException(“Job initialization failed (” + exitCode +
“) with output: ” + shExec.getOutput(), e);
通过打开 tasktracker 的 debug 日志,可以获取 commandArray 的具体信息:
2014-03-26 19:49:02,489 DEBUG org.apache.hadoop.mapred.LinuxTaskController: initializeJob:
hdfs, xxxxxxx, 0, job_201403261945_0002, xxxxx/jobToken, xxxx/job.xml, /usr/local/jdk1.6.0_37/jre/bin/java,
-classpath,xxxxxx.jar, -Dhadoop.log.dir=/home/test/logs/hadoop/mapred, -Dhadoop.root.logger=INFO,console,
org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobLocalizer, hdfs, job_201403261945_0002, localhost.localdomain, 57536]
其中比较重要的是 taskControllerExe 这个参数,它代表了 taskcontroller 的可执行文件 (本例中是 /home/test/platform/hadoop-2.0.0-mr1-cdh4.2.0/bin/../sbin/Linux-amd64-64/task-controller)
而 execute 方法其实最终调用了 task-controller.
task-controller 的源码在 src/c++/task-controller 目录下。
在 configuration.c 中定义了对目录属主进行检查:
static int is_only_root_writable(const char *file) {
if (file_stat.st_uid != 0) {
fprintf(LOGFILE, “File %s must be owned by root, but is owned by %d\n”,
file, file_stat.st_uid);
return 0;
如果检查的文件属主不是 root,则报错。
int check_configuration_permissions(const char* file_name) {
// copy the input so that we can modify it with dirname
char* dir = strdup(file_name);
char* buffer = dir;
do {
if (!is_only_root_writable(dir)) {
return -1;
dir = dirname(dir);
} while (strcmp(dir, “/”) != 0);
return 0;
即 check_configuration_permissions 会调用 is_only_root_writable 方法对二进制文件所在目录向上递归做父目录属主的检查,如果有一个目录属主不为 root,就会出错。这就要求整个 chain 上的目录属主都需要是 root.
这其实是出于 taskcontroller 的安全考虑,在代码中定义了不少关于这个可执行文件的权限的验证,只要有一个地方设置不正确,tasktracker 都不会正常运行。
cloudra 官方文档对这个文件的权限描述如下:
The Task-controller program is used to allow the TaskTracker to run tasks under the Unix account of the user who submitted the job in the first place.
It is a setuid binary that must have a very specific set of permissions and ownership in order to function correctly. In particular, it must:
1)Be owned by root
2)Be owned by a group that contains only the user running the MapReduce daemons
3)Be setuid
4)Be group readable and executable
问题还没有结束,taskcontroller 有一个配置文件为 taskcontroller.cfg. 关于这个配置文件位置的获取比较让人纠结。
搜到有些文档说是通过设置 HADOOP_SECURITY_CONF_DIR 即可,但是在 cdh4.2.0 中,这个环境变量并不会生效,可以通过打 patch 来解决:
#ifndef HADOOP_CONF_DIR // 如果编译时不指定 HADOOP_CONF_DIR 的值,没调用 infer_conf_dir 方法。
conf_dir = infer_conf_dir(argv[0]);
if (conf_dir == NULL) {
fprintf(LOGFILE, “Couldn’t infer HADOOP_CONF_DIR. Please set in environment\n”);
conf_dir = strdup(STRINGIFY(HADOOP_CONF_DIR));
其中 infer_conf_dir 方法如下,即通过获取二进制文件的相对路径来得到配置文件的存放目录,比如我们线上执行文件的位置为 /home/test/platform/hadoop-2.0.0-mr1-cdh4.2.0/bin/../sbin/Linux-amd64-64/task-controller,配置文件的位置为
char *infer_conf_dir(char *executable_file) {
char *result;
char *exec_dup = strdup(executable_file);
char *dir = dirname(exec_dup);
int relative_len = strlen(dir) + 1 + strlen(CONF_DIR_RELATIVE_TO_EXEC) + 1;
char *relative_unresolved = malloc(relative_len);
snprintf(relative_unresolved, relative_len, “%s/%s”,
result = realpath(relative_unresolved, NULL);
// realpath will return NULL if the directory doesn’t exist
关于 taskcontrol 相关类的实现放在后面的文件讲解。
更多 Hadoop 相关信息见Hadoop 专题页面 http://www.linuxidc.com/topicnews.aspx?tid=13