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We’ve all seen how login pages work on WordPress sites, but what is the point of having it at all? For one thing, login pages are what help you brand your WordPress site. They are the contact points for your customers to access your website. Therefore, they must be customized with the best of the plugins.
To ensure that your login page doesn’t feel like just another web page of your site, you need to customize it with appropriate features. In spite of the significance of this page, there are many website owners who do pay the due attention to the login page which forms the first impression of your website.
Using plugins to customize the login page not only makes it more functional but it also enhances the user experience. No matter if you intend to set up an online store or run a member website, a properly-optimized login page can get you instant traffic in no time.
To help you customize your login page, we reveal here plugins that can do wonder for your website:
Why bother with passwords anymore? Clef offers a better solution in the form of two-factor authentication. It is simple, highly secure and easy to use. One of the safest strategies is that it only uses your smartphone as a way to log you in. No longer do your customers need security keys to get access to your website.
With Clef Wave, you can also enjoy one-click sign-ins. This tool also enables you to sign out from your account anytime. It also features a setup time which automatically terminates your access if you remain idle for a certain period of time.
Unlike password security, this plugin uses RSA public-key cryptosystem that is far safer and more secure. Rather than storing the encrypted key in the central database, this system keeps the key on your phone to prevent any illicit attempt for access of the website.
The two-factor authentication allows you to use your phone, PIN or fingerprint as verification to access your account. So even if you lose your phone, you will continue to use your Clef profile.
Custom Login
Custom Login is the one thing you can count on if you need to customize your admin login page. It offers a range of functions that can streamline login procedure, ranging from the change of color of the login form to addition of the logo.
There are also many extensions associated with this plugin. There is Stealth Login that lets you hide your login URL, while there is‘Login Redirects’that manages your login redirects.
There is also Page Template that allows you to add a login form to any WP page. Using this plugin, you can even allow your users to access your website. It also features a two-step authentication to ensure safe and secure access to your website.
Memphis Custom Login
Memphis Custom Login offers a simple way for you to control your login page. Once you install this plugin, you can customize your login page from the tools menu on the dashboard. With this tool, you can give your login page a personality which will catch the attention of your visitors. This plugin supports SSL enabled sites and Google Analytics.
Customize WordPress Login Page
With over 20,000 active installs, Customize WordPress Login Page can give you solutions for all your needs regarding the login page. This tool takes customization to a new level. Using this plugin, you can alter your background image, color, slideshow, the color of the login form, its font size, its location and you can even add the social media icons.
The panel is very simple to use. You can easily use its dashboard to design your login page according to your preferences. It is compatible for both desktop and mobile devices.
You can even choose from 500 Google fonts integrated into this plugin. There are also an unlimited number of colors which you can use to spice up your login page.
Uber Login Logo
Uber login logo is one plugin that gives you such wide-ranging features. It consists of a lightweight codebase and user interface that is simple to use for WordPress developers and webmasters. It includes in-built WordPress functions and a media uploader.
Though it does not offer you to add color or a background image to your login page, it is extremely fast in terms of installation and execution.
Login Security Solution
Login Security Solution ensures the safest security for your admin login page. It can block any brute force attack by tracking down its name, IP, and password. It can also prevent virus attacks and without putting a kink in the user experience.
It monitors logins by tracing form submissions, auth cookies, and XML-RPC requests. The plugin slows down every time there is a login failure which lessens the attacker’s ability to invade your site. In the case of an illicit access of your website, you can use WordPress’password reset utility.
When someone is using an IP address that you have used in the past, the password reset utility will send you an email for verification. So if there is an illegitimate attempt to get control of your website, you can stop it with this feature.
ZM Ajax Login & Register
This plugin lets you create a custom login page and a registration page along with a login and registration models. It is also integrated with AJAX verification and Facebook login support.
So if you have a normal WordPress page, you can change it with your own custom logo, text and use of shortcode known as [ajax_login], [ajax_register]. You can also assign register and login modes to menu items and then add a redirect URL.
In this way, users can click on menu items that will display a single register or login form in a model without any post content. You can choose between two different styles such as wide or stacked. Each form has pre-set styling options and AJAX features.
No other name can explain this simple plugin better than‘Login’. The best thing about this plugin is that you don’t need to learn any coding skills to be able to use it. Using this tool, you can customize your login details as well IDs and passwords of your admin and clients with a login page styler. It provides you with more features than some of the other plugins out there.
In addition, it gives you full control of your login page styling. What makes it even superior is its easy-to-use features. Now you can easily customize every facet of your login page and make it appropriate for your target visitors.
A5 Custom Login Page
This fantastic plugin gives your login page the flare that will envy your competitors. This plugin is available in the basic version for those users who have no experience in programming and coding. Then there is also the pro version that you can use to add your own CSS code.
Moreover, there is the feature of copying an entire stylesheet into the plugin. This is one of the ways you can style and change all the items on your login screen the way you want.
Birds Custom Login
This plugin gives the admin the power to make their login page stand out from the rest. Using this ingenious tool, you can customize your login page the way you want it to look like. It is compatible with all of WordPress’built-in functionalities and even includes the logout links.
If you haven’t uploaded a logo, this tool will automatically upload a logo to your website. This plugin is available for free. However, if you subscribe to the premium version of this website, you can take advantage of more features that upgrade the functionality of your website.
Tesla Login Customizer
This plugin empowers you to customize your website without having to go through the tedious coding process. With this incredible plugin, you can transform your login page into an appealing web page that complements your brand.
It also offers you several other valuable features that require no long and time-consuming processes. This plugin allows you to change every facet of your login page with just a click.
Social Login
With this plugin, users can login to their WordPress sites and interact by using their social media accounts. It is a free plugin that is compatible with BuddyPress. You can manually add a Social Media widget to your sidebar. How simple is that!
New User Approve
When a new user finishes the registration process, it is you who approves his access to your site. As the admin, New User Approve gives you the option to allow or disallow anyone to access your site.
Once you grant anyone the entry to your site, a profile is created by his name and he gets an email of approval along with the credentials. New User Approve streamlines each and every step involved in the procedure.
Erident Custom Login and Dashboard
This is yet another superb WP plugin to help you customize dashboard of your website. Using this tool, you can easily change the background picture of your website, set its color and style as well as add a logo of your organization in the login page.
With this plugin, you can even upload the images using the WordPress Media Uploader tool available on the settings tab. It also features multi-language translators to facilitate the users from different countries.
RegistrationMagic-Custom Registration Forms
This versatile WP plugin empowers you to do multiple tasks rather than just customizing the login page. This plugin allows you to accept payments, manage users, analyze statistics, track submissions and assign user roles etc.
Moreover, it gives you control over who should register with your website. You can make template registration forms with different fields to meet the criterion of registration for different types of users.